
A Death in Cornwall by Daniel Silva

Every year in July we get the latest Gabriel Alllon story by Daniel Silva. This year’s book is titled A DEATH IN CORNWALL and it is sure to find a place among the top ten fiction books in our country. Silva is that good at writing and if ever there was a sure shot this is it.

In the book there has been a death in Cornwall, a place where Gabriel, the Israeli super agent and spy, once resided. While there he befriended a boy named Timothy Peel. Peel is now a grown up and a member of the police force in Cornwall, and it is he who tells Gabriel of the death in Cornwall. A noted professor has been murdered.

It turns out this death is somehow related to a crime in the art world. It is up to Gabriel to solve both crimes even though at first he has no idea they are linked. It is a complex and difficult world to enter so Gabriel brings along some of his best sleuthing friends.

This plot is so complex I had to go over portions several times and I still don’t know if I got it sorted out correctly or not. Plus there is a good bit of art history included in the story which races along with this type of information popping up here and there. Add to that a side story which is brought in concerning British politics and you have a novel bursting at the seams.

Still Silva is always in control and leads it all to a satisfying and worthwhile conclusion. Once again Silva shoots and scores.

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