
Still See You Everywhere by Lisa Gardner

Lisa Gardner is one of my favorite writers and her latest novel STILL SEE YOU EVERYWHERE features Frankie Elkins, one of my favorite characters. This is Gardner’s third book built around this character and with each story I like her better and better. No wonder the “Writers Wednesday” spotlight is on this book this week.

Frankie Elkins isn’t a paid professional. She just has an internal calling to locate those among us who are missing. In this book she is hired to find the sister of a woman who is on death row for murder. The search for the woman takes Frankie to an atoll off the coast of Hawaii. It is a locale with which Frankie is not familiar and it is inhabited by a group of people building a resort hotel. Frankie gets a job working with them and begins her search.

Gardner is a writer who does her research. I learned more about atolls in this story than information I have amassed in all my life. She is also generous in her descriptions of life there.You feel the sea breezes and you picture the infestation of crabs beneath the feet of those who work there. And some of those crabs can be dangerous but not as deadly as some of the humans she meets.

Lisa Gardner puts her mind into overdrive with the twistiest plot she has developed yet. You careen from situation to situation and from dramatic event to dramatic event. It is a fun ride all the way.

Read this book and discover why Lisa Gardner is one of my favorite authors. While reading it she will become one of yours too.

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